January 20 – Zodiac Sign, Personality, Love Compatibility

January 20 Zodiac Sign, Personality,  Love Compatibility

Zodiac: Aquarius

Keywords:  Born on cusp

English Name: The Water-bearer

Ruler:   Uranus

Birthstone:  Diopside

Motto:  Two halfs. Life is about celebration.

Exalted:  Saturn

Element:  Air

Shape:  Wave

One word:  Reflection

Quality: Fixed

Strength: Recognition

Weakness: Moodiness

Best Color:   Imperial Green

Most compatible with:  Cancer

20 January Aquarius Zodiac

Your zodiac sign is Capricorn. If you are born between the 20-26 January you are born on the cusp. Being born on a cusp of two zodiac signs means you will have double traits. You are a mixture of a Capricorn and an Aquarius.

In terms of your element what this means is that there is two negatives of Earth and the signs of air. Both elements complement each other but not like Earth and Fire. So what does it mean to be born on the cusp? It means if you are a man you are rather methodical and you will have success. Socially you enjoy connecting with others.

According to the science of the zodiac, the entire universe is an integral unity and any changes in it have an individual, as well as a global effect and that, is what the science of astrology is based on and I hope you like my guide.

If you are born on January 20,  you will show some interesting tendencies which you might share with others born on the cusp.

So what about your positive traits? I have read many many astrology books over the years to understand the positive traits of your personality. The first thing I will say is that you believe in yourself, you know your strengths and wish to apply this it in practice.

There is a focus on moving forward in life and you normally have your eyes on a profit or business idea of some kind.  At times you might sometimes feel that you are not settled in a certain career or worse still, you haven’t climbed the ladder to gain enough wealth, making you feel somewhat – dissatisfied. I hope this makes sense! I feel you feel this way due to your high expectations.

In terms of your talent, you normally show commitment for invention and construction, and you are happy to gladly take care of others.

In terms of career, you will make a great inspector, supervisor, teacher, detective, or manager.

Born on the cusp means you are always unable to finish work assigned to you unless you tend to see the signs and immediate benefit that will come out of it. Your life journey is not easy because you will need to go through difficult situations and fight various adversities before you arrive at your desired goal. Your preferences and tendencies are very simple. You are hard working, pleasant, a person with serious thinking and a calm mind.

Negative traits: On a negative note you tend to demonstrate a certain melancholy and secrecy. Your mental cleverness is superb. You at times dwell on the negative side of other people’s personalities – and this intensifies as you age. I do feel you try to move forward in life but can show an appetite for materialism.

Character and Personality of January 20

If you are born on January 20 then this means you are born on the cusp – and I have already mentioned before this means you follow two traits of both Capricorn and Aquarius. For example:

  • Loyal
  • Analytical
  • Emotional
  • Focused
  • Individual

Being specifically born on the 20th means that your zodiac falls on the first day of the Aquarius sign. Plus you are an individual who is somewhat independent.

External appearance: In terms of your appearance you are unique, from the outside, you look charming and attractive, while your heart is full of compassion and you will always try to help others in whatever way possible.

Friends: You have lot’s of friends. The reason why is that you enjoy laughing and cheering up people. When you are feeling positive, you also ensure that those around you feel good super positive too. You don’t expect anything in return when you help others. In friendships, you are always full of excitement and unconventional, and this could be the reason behind you have so many friends in life!

The date of birth of 20 January means you have a distinct curiosity and you are happy to work towards a goal for many years. You are the type of person who deviates from the crowd and goes your way.

Study: You love to study and enjoy the mental stimulation and you continue to discover new things, forming new opinions. But you do like to do things your own way regardless of what those around you think about! Watch out for this trait.

Love and Relationships of January 20

So what about your love life? Ummmm. I am afraid you are quite intolerant when it comes to matters of the heart. And, you can be somewhat choosy when it comes to choosing a lover.

Tips in your love life: Being born a 2 it means that you have two sides to your personality. It is important to let your partner know when you need help in life. If you keep quiet, how do you expect the relationship to change? You and your partner need to be mature enough to listen to one another and you can then work towards a mutually agreeable solutions. What I am saying here is that you find it difficult to make decisions easily!

January 20 Element

Being born on January 20 indicates that you hold the air element. Think about air for a moment. In order for air to be solid, it needs pressure and low temperatures. Air is a governing element, this means you find it hard to stick to tasks in life. You can be “up in the air” sometimes.

Stress: Because of the 2 and 1 that appears in your birth date (January being the first month) and (20) you may find sometimes in life a lot of stress and pressure is placed on you. We all have this stress sometimes. The most important thing is that you need to stand by your opinions.

You do value ideas but you need to try to not be too stressed out!

Luck and significance of January 20

Amethyst is a stone that protects you. It is a semi-precious stone that is colored purple or pink. Its powers are mystical and inspire high ideals and virtue.

In old times, this stone was symbolic of lovers and the Greeks used it for protection from evil, poisoning, and hangovers.  Your planet is Uranus which is considered to be a revolution planet with Aquarius being its central ruler.

Imperial green is the color that is governing your life and it is tasteful, elegant, beautiful and sophisticated. It is easy on the eyes, exclusivist, elitist, and ultimately overbearing.  Your lucky numbers are 82, 62, 49, 32,  and 17.

January 20 Planetary Influence

As I have already mentioned your governing planet is Uranus. It is a planet that is theoretically distant and in most cases, it will reflect your personality. Having this planet in your zodiac means that you can be caught between the certainty and predictability of your attaining your hidden desires.

Career and Purpose of January 20

The advantage you have is that as you do get older you will produce results at work that are simply amazing. So what rocks your boat? You are in search of wisdom, and very insightful. Having a numerical mind you enjoy collecting information and are not too bothered by your emotions. When you speak, you always make sure that it is nothing but the truth. Sometimes your actions and words can be hard-nosed and painful to those around you. You can easily hurt people’s feelings, but you always ensure that those around you know the truth no matter what. This is because you feel that it is your obligation

Just like any other Aquarius like to do in their life, you like learning about people, it can make you be a great politician, psychologists, and a great social worker. You are a progressive thinker who likes to influence the formation of new theory and ideology and thus, you can do when as far as research work is concerned.

Teenager: Some would describe you as being a rebel and it is possible that at times you can cause conflicts at your place of work as you want to prove yourself unique. Your persistence is likely going to cause failure at times, choosing to do something others tend to think is a wrong choice.

You are brilliant and that is the reason why you will defy all odds and continue doing it because that is your style. You are fixed to specific ideas and stubborn whenever you are faced with changes in your life. Despite your judgemental opinion and persistence, you will never force others to follow your beliefs, for you have respect for everyone’s own beliefs – which is a great trait.

January 20 Positive Traits

You are reliable by nature because of being born on the cusp. People look up to you. Honesty is something that is important to you. people rely on you to be able to “be there for them” and you also do the right thing.

Having lot’s of friends is normal as you are dependable, and most people consider you as a trustworthy person.

January 20 Negative Traits

Due to being trustworthy, you can be too truthful. You never lie. Which offends some people. If you come across a group of people or certain individuals who have different values, you will naturally turn to “the highway, unless my way” kind of mindset which can be positive or negative! Yes, what I am saying is that you might offend some people.

January 20 Tips

To unlock your fullest potential in life, you will need to focus on teamwork and maybe not be too honest. For example, my partner is a Capricorn and totally honest. I often as him: “is my hair nice” he tells me honestly. Sometimes it hurts my feelings! Instead of him saying “not really” he could say “its ok but not my choice.” Little white lies are not that bad if they don’t hurt anyone and this means feelings are not offended.

Tips: My biggest tips for you is that you should not base your judgment on how things have worked in the past. You need to work on being more welcoming and forgiving of various people’s opinions. You will need to learn from those around you as you also impart knowledge on others if you are in a position of management at work. I will also say, think about careers that involve teamwork. When you work towards a goal, it can lead to greater success for everyone in the team.

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