February 25 Zodiac Sign, Personality, Love Compatibility

February 25 Zodiac Sign, Personality, Love Compatibility

Keywords: Searching, Submissive

Ruler:   Neptune

Birthstone:   Morganite

Motto:  I Believe

Exalted:  Mercury

Element:  Water

Shape:  Infinity Symbol

One word:  Practicality

Quality:  Mutable

Strength: Common sense

Weakness: Mistrustful

Best Color:    Magenta

Most compatible with:  Capricorn

Your zodiac sign in Pisces and you are in the right place to find out more. I have been studying astrology for 30 years and my work has focused on the predictive part of astrology. I have looked at the authors: Sastras, Valmiki and Kalidasa, to understand what February 25 means – and also reviewed the actual history of astrology.

Being born on the 25 indicates that there are amazing things in store. I find it surprising but also infuriating that sometimes astrology is dismissed. The simple fact is that astrology is real, it can predict real events and show you deep personality traits. In this article, I will show you what it means to be born on the 25. There seems to be a thirst for knowledge about the zodiac date and I am so glad you are here.

The first thing I will say is that you pay a lot of attention to the outside. At times, you wear a mask of convention and it is very hard for people to learn your true nature until you are closer to them. Your nervous system is unusually tense and delicate but you can be easily irritated. In terms of describing you – I would say that you are unusually sensitive with a tendency of pessimism.

Sometimes in life, you end up exposed two things. You can skillfully adapt to circumstances in a way that allows you to achieve results that are satisfying at work. Your theoretical and practical skills are good and thus, you can be an excellent accountant, warehouse supervisor, facility manager, a public official, or a scientist, involving yourself in abstract pursuits.

But your greatest success can be achieved from being creative or something where you show talent. You have a passion for music. You should avoid the temptation of going for quick wealth because that will lead to speculations that will be unfortunate and unlucky circumstances will follow. You need to be careful and pursue your goals in a calm way and methodically as that will allow you to avoid the lurking dangers.

Parent: If you are a parent of a child born on February 25, you will need to pay attention and teach them the value of simplicity in life. They will enjoy you spending time with them, simple and moderate lifestyles rather than all the gadgets (such as ipads!) should only be given in moderation.

Characteristics and Personality  of February 25

Well, I would say that you have an impressive personality which is full of self-confidence and self-esteem which others really wish. Things can still be a nightmare. So unlike the other people that are under the Pisces sign,  you keep going for goals. I do feel that you are devoted and intuitive and sometimes you like to make demands.

Many people think that you work too hard – setting high goals for yourself, you increase your value and power. You are someone who places the most top possible goals for yourself in every possible aspect of your life. You are critical of the society in which you live in and that is the reason most of the time, you are also rather conflicted!

When you are a teenager, you tend to openly oppose any form of authority. We all do but I feel that you want to try to live by your own rules rather than other peoples. I hope you can relate to that! Therefore professors, parents, and teachers might have a hard time to control you. On a positive note, you like to think ahead of the times – and there is no doubt that you are smart.  You tend to react very emotionally to any injustice and you don’t seem to tolerate any degree of subversion and lowliness.

In later years, you find higher goals which will preoccupy you and lead your life in a direction that is better. You could be into philosophy, religion, art or a human activity. You are likely to succeed, but you need to focus your energy on a specific goal, no matter how big it might be.

When you become overworked and find an outlet, you will tend to spend more time trying to relax but will find it hard, which is not a bad idea. You can be highly developed with the ability to communicate your ideas to your environment.  If you happen to be born on February 25 then at times you can be easily misunderstood because of your sincerity and intentions can become an object of suspicion.

The success in your life will depend on your ability to communicate with others. At times, you may have certain feelings about things that may happen which in most cases, are disregarded. These feelings are normally predictions in life. Some say being born under Pisces indicates that you are slightly psychic or spiritual. Other people around you may exhibit instability which is not a bad thing at all. Sometimes you can appear to be proud.

February 25 Zodiac sign – Pisces

You are under the star sign of Pisces simply because you are born on February 25 and it makes you sensitive to the emotions of those around you. It is not supposed to come as a surprise due to the fact that, Pisces people are known to be emotional. But your emotional side is unique because you look to others for help. Some people may communicate with you on many different levels.

Love and Relationships of February 25

In regards to love, you quickly rush into a relationship – and you are someone who is very compassionate. 25 equals 7 and in astrology, this indicates that you are dreamers in love. Sometimes you try to find an ideal lover or partner whom you can understand without a word. You seek for the total connection, physically and emotionally, where there will be two bodies but one soul.

Since you search to be linked to people who have the ambitions and you have an idea of what ideal love is all about and also about the non-ideal love, you will always soften and repair it whenever possible and make it be a great love.

Your every connection is ideal until the end comes and all hell will break loose. You will suffer in a unique way and it is a problem because you will find it hard to contain your emotions. You are incapable and reclusive of creating something normal and stable regarding a lasting love.

You become aware of this fact in the specific moment, but there is little will to change things. You are busy in your world of imagination, thinking about your ideal images of love that you can only see in the movie but it doesn’t guarantee you stability. What ensures stability is rationality in a small dose. If people criticize or call you out on certain aspects of your personality, you tend to take it emotionally. You take it very hard because you are someone whom everything that comes from you come with a certain sense of ownership.

You have a feeling that, everything that you believe in, say, or do, is a reflection of your character and thus, you have a right to ownership. It can be a positive thing because, in the process, it can lead to some positive relationships and romantic relationships that are more fulfilling.

But it can also have some negativity in it at that, at some point in life, you need to let go of some things. Whether you agree to it or not, there are some people around you who will not see eye to eye with you and that is just the way things are. Everyone is different and with different types of experiences.

February 25 Planetary Influence

Neptune is the planet that rules your life. It is usually linked to emotions and it is known as an emotional dictator. According to you, your emotional state is your personal connection to the truth that is very deep. You have the impression that, those around you are likely going to benefit from your personal truth that is very deep.

While it might be true to a certain level, you need to understand that, everyone is entitled to their own personal truth and thus, they don’t have to rely on yours.

February 25 Element

Water is the element that governs your life and that is why you suffer mood swings. They are different from moods experienced by other Pisces because they involve the ability to accept others. You have the capability of accepting others to a certain level, but that doesn’t change who you are. Emotional acceptance is the one that matters at the end of the day.

Career and Purpose of February 25

You have grandiose ideas and you normally set high goals in your occupation in life. That is the only way you can work because you cannot accept anything lesser than that. You always aim for higher goals and to go to higher places in whatever place you find yourself working. While working, you can be nervous, even though you might not be ready to accept it.

It is a tension that happens whenever you are on the quest for achieving a higher goal. The best way you can be able to empty your mind is by spiritual growth and development. You are only interested in jobs which can provide you with some kind of a reward. You will be good if you work in professions such as art, law, or fashion. You are deep down inside, someone who likes to fight for cosmic justice and when something is going wrong around you, you will always want to interfere.

Whatever you do, you seek a profound reason and in this way, in essence, you always want to clarify some things.  There is no end for you until everything around you is quiet. So your work environment needs to find you when you have an empty mind of nervousness and when you find yourself in a tranquil sea, you are always full of energy and ready to work.

You work the best at night and that, it will be best if you found a job that could enable you to work at night when you are at your best and tension is low. You tend to interrupt contacts with others and others with you, without saying a word. You need a lot of security while at the same time, demanding freedom. That is a very crazy combination and that is why, you can be a great worker and at the same time, a lousy one.  You tend to exhibit both qualities at the same time.  All you need is to be approached well by your boss in order to get into the right spirit to work; you can end up impressing others by over-delivering. You have a  strong pride that is very touchy and if your boss says something that is wrong, it will be enough to make you under-perform.

That could be the reason why your work quality suffers a lot because, a wrong word causes you to be discouraged, depressed, and diminished.  Arts could be the best jobs for you because, in the other industries, you might have to use a lot of effort and maturity for you to move up the ladder.

Health and well being of February 25

Your organism is not too resilient and that, you are at risk of breast cancer and blood disturbances. In order to ensure that your well being is strong, you need to avoid extremes in your life and lead a life that is moderate because excesses impact negatively on your nature.

Luck and significance of February 25

Your lucky color is magenta, which has an elite and majestic look to it. Whether you like it or not, you are an emotional elitist. The sooner you accept this fact, the faster you will be able to overcome it. Your other lucky colors include gray, brown, and purple.

Your lucky numbers are 32, 20, 15, 14, 3, 1, 29, 51, 38, 49, 39, and 43. Your power lucky number is 22. Your lucky animal is a cow. Your lucky plant is an acacia tree. Your lucky stone is Morganite. Your lucky professions are a singer, journalist, computer scientist.

February 25 Positive Traits

You can be a very supportive and loving person.  The more you become mature,  the more you see the differences amongst those you associate with, which is okay. The bad part is that it takes a lot of time for you to realize that. In most scenarios, you only start thinking about it after you have knocked your back several times in your life.

February 25 Negative Traits

Even though you are supporting and a loving person, who is very warm and welcoming, your downside is your tendency to insist on your point of view as the only right one and it is likely going to earn you several enemies in your surrounding.

You tend to attract enemies who operate under cover. On the surface, they seem to be friends, acting like friends and sounding like friends. They will wait until your worst moment for them to show their true colors. In most cases, it is not a physical attack, but it will sound like a physical stub on your back.

It is something that will crush you really hard. You will need to practice a little empathy and understand that, everyone is entitled to their own feelings and you need not be surprised because then, you will become more successful in all areas of your life.

February 25 Tips

You will need to avoid imposing to others, your emotional values. Let them blossom in front of you by being more receptive. The more you become receptive, the more you will become happy in your life. As a Pisces, you are overly sensitive and there is nothing you can do about it because it comes with the territory. You are also emotionally proud because of being born on February 25. If you can repackage yourself, you are likely going to be happier and content in life.

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